Fabian did a good Jetboard comparison, I think it is helpful. The only thing we must add that Ewave is almost silent compared to others, which is its main advantage:
We did some comparison of electric jetboards yesterday at beautiful Sechs-Seen-Platte in Duisburg. Cosy 25°C and clear blue sky made it a perfect JetSurfing day.
Boards we compared:
EWave V2 6000
Onean Carver X
Attached you find two screenshots of Vmax test. 85kg rider, lake, little wind. Measured on the exact same track.
Some pure data:
• weight board 17.8kg
• weight battery 18kg
• weight ready-to-surf 35.8kg
• Vmax 85kg rider 50.7 km/h
• riding time 85kg rider, used boost as often as possible 35-38 minutes
EWAVE V2 6000
• weight board 25.4kg
• weight battery 18.9kg
• weight ready-to-surf 44.3kg
• Vmax 85kg rider 42 km/h (did another test later)
• riding time 85kg rider, max power as often as possible 20 minutes
• weight board 25kg
• weight battery 14.2kg - you need two
• weight ready-to-surf 53.4kg
• Vmax around 40-42 km/h
• riding time 85kg rider, max power 20-22 minutes
It’s just pure data - weight, time and speed measured to make a comparison and decided what you want.