Flite AIR - Cheap eFoil by Fliteboard

Fliteboard just announced the Flite AIR:

Starting from 6,700 EUR is almost half the price to other Fliteboards. However, I think the Nano battery makes no sense with this board and the charger seems very small (under 6 hours for a sport battery)


How does Fliteboard continue to innovate at this level?!! It’s incredible.
In the past ~3 months, we’ve had the Marc Newson products, Flite LAB, and now this. WOW!
What has Lift done? :sweat_smile:

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I just tried to order one. But with the Sport battery (bigger is not possible) and fast charger the total order would have been 9700€. That’s a joke. Sounds cheap at first but turns out it’s crap. Not sure if this will work in the market…

Does anyone know when this new fliteboard is available at the dealers, so I could to a testride?

According to Fliteboard “starting from April”, so I guess April/May.

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Happy Easter to all eFoilers!


Has anyone bought it?

I bought one … my first entry into the space and for me the lower cost was what got me interested - did upgrade to the midsize battery and they gave me a fast charger for some reason

It’s a great beginner board. We have it on stock:

Did not age well… or maybe Lift saw your comment and decided to bring out the dozen new releases they just came out with.

Hahahaha. It has not aged at all.
I’m surrounded by 4 major Fliteboard innovations: the incredible MN Wave 60, the Ultra L2, the genius (and real) Jet drive, and cannot wait for the Flite LAB boards…
What has Lift done besides try to stay afloat? Have not seen or read anything…

EDIT: just ‘cause you asked and this is a Fliteboard thread, I checked Lift’s site:

  • Lift 4 is over a year old, nothing new here.
  • same old daft prop placement
  • same old massive controller (that only works with Lift 4! All FB parts are interchangeable)
    I guess I missed the “dozen new releases” from Lift, or you were just being sarcastic. :grinning:

Nice try. Just purchased V2 folding prop, and several new wing designs AND im still waiting on their blockbuster blowfish to get in stock… I guess a bunch of in the closet fliters wanted them for their boards :wink:

I am growing out of efoiling towards pure foiling/surfing maybe thats why I can see all the other places they are also innovating in that you cant?

Those were just to name some but why the hate? Both companies are innovating in this space and bringing it forward and beyond!

For sure, innovation and competition is great for everyone. It pushes out the weak and offers the best products for customers.

I don’t hate Lift, I just don’t see why it costs the same - it would be a great alternative at ~25-50% less than Fliteboard.