Fliteboard Folding Prop

For a long time Fliteboard users were looking for a Flite folding prop. Now this was announced today by Fliteboard:

We ordered a few sets and are looking forward to a delivery the next days.

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I believe foldy is the best choice for wave riding!

Aside from a Marc Newson MB60 Wave, that is!

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They work really well, David did a great job :wink:

Is it possible to use the folding prop with Marc Newson 60 resp. 86?
Does it really make such a different in the waves compared to a true glide prop? I mean the prop is very small and has not so much surface. Is the effect so big because you have less water resistance when the foldy is active?

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Good news - it is possible to use the folding pro with MN boards.
To my other question I saw a video of @Jetsurfingnation. A folding prop is obvious the best choice in waves - how much the difference between true glide and foldy is - I don’t know. Maybe I will know it in a few months.

The MN Wave comes with a folding prop.

If you mainly ride flat with occasionally riding wave the true glid is great. Super smooth and efficient. If you ride waves all the time the foldy is the go.