Foil new efoil from usa?

Ive had a really bad experience with this board. I went with the extended range battery and Im only getting 55 minutes. That is with a 180lb rider on the foil 75% of the time. Battery has been a nightmare that has needed to go back several times. 2 controller failures. Board died in the middle of the SF bay with 70% battery. Im typically cool with playing QA especially with new companies/poducts, but after several issues, the CEO has insinuated in public forums that this is my fault. Shipping it back and forth from California to Florida and NY combined with shipping partner screwups has made this a really bad investment. Over $9k…Id definitely go with one of the more established companies who know how to properly QA and support their products


carbon fiber most certainly does scratch

More sad tails of trying to get into this cheap(er) :frowning:
These are not that simple a device.

This sounds much like what happened when Waydoo did deliver.

Real shame what’s happening to lake Powell :frowning:

Lol dude this is made in china and put together in the US :call_me_hand:

They are a relatively new start up as well… lots of funding is backing up this project though

#FOIL 2023 NEW Models and Updates :star2: NEW Efoil

Today we are traveling to iconic Page, Arizona, USA to test new FOIL efoil - New 2023 Models and Updates. The new sport of Electric hydrofoils or efoils in short are taking over the world of watersports and today we meet Jeremy who is going to share with us his review of a new efoil from called FOIL.

Recorded with the kind help of Jeremy Byrom from @eFoilLakePowell for JetSurfingNation.

wow and very nice
I liked from this

anyone in Europe ever bought one of those? I will be in USA in March, maybe it is worth to test one and maybe bring it to Europe?

This is an old thread, but I’ll post anyway.

Foil (everyone in the US calls them “Get Foil” because of their domain name), did a demo day in Fort Walton Beach, Florida a few years back. I went and checked it out.

It’s impressive for what it is, but wasn’t nearly as refined as Lift. (I don’t have experience with Flite.)

Couple of observations:

  • Hand controller is physically ergonomic and less blocky feeling than Lift’s. But they make you do a three-button press sequence to unlock it (kind of like when you start up a Nintendo Switch). Any fall offs, or nose dips, and you’ll have to redo this sequence. It kind of feels like a waste of time and gets old fast. IIRC the remote also “times out” if inactive, too. This alone would probably be a major point of frustration for learners.
  • Power curve is less refined than Lift. Or in other words, it feels very “darty.” Lift seems much easier to half-throttle, a lot less lunging and lurching.
  • Lift’s board design is more refined. I see you guys notice how boxy it looks, and indeed it is IRL.

GetFoil made more sense in past years: less refined product, but also cost a lot less. These days… Lift is offering a package for 9k instead of 12k, and I’m sure Flite has more affordable offerings now, too. I think it’ll be hard to recommend a GetFoil for 7k over a Lift for 9k… you’re already dropping that much cash you might as well do the extra 2k and get yourself something a bit more proven (Lift or Flite).

Looks like another sad story here, what a year…

The company started 2023 very excited announcing a lot of new products (I visited USA and made a video back then full of excitement). However the products were not getting to the market, the repairs and battery issues piled up and the company went silent in the end of 2023, stopped updating their instagrams, Kyle stopped posting on facebook and responding… And now this conclusion:

Foil seems also bankrupt (according to reddit post )


Just came here to see if anyone was talking about this yet/could vouch for this. Sad, and makes me wonder what’s going to happen to the other players. Lift and Flite will weather this, I’m sure. But the dealer/affiliate networks and all the rest…

This post may have some insight on what went on leading up to this.

I remember that discussion back then but I am not sure if Efoil racing is a way to go. We have jetsurf racing and even championship for a decade but nobody is watching it and it remains a niche segment. Same with efoil racing. The future is in rentals, that’s why they should reach more hotels to rent it out in popular destinations. Racing? not so interesting. I participated and filmed Fliteboard racing once, they never continued this as probably understood it’s pointless.


Agreed entirely about the racing bit. I suspect a lot of us who are drawn to these kind of watersports do them because we like to be in the action/in the drivers seat, not passively spectating.

I agree… I think that affordable lessons and rentals would be a boon along with more use in commercials and aquatic shows. I think that big floaty efoils with handlebars also could assist with the learning curve for those who want to try efoiling and have the easiest learning curve possible.

Flite’s FliteScooter, Lift’s Blowfish, Hydroflyer, Waydoo Evo and others all now have some enhanced learner-support options available.

I have recently been invited to join some friends and family on trips abroad. One of my first research questions has been “Are there attractive and affordable efoiling and/or snorkeling options at or near the destination?” or "Can I rent a battery at an attractive price for my efoil brand at or near the destination?