Integrating Qibla Direction into Electric Surfboard Navigation Systems


I’ve been exploring ways to enhance my experience with my electric surfboard, particularly when it comes to navigation and orientation on the water. I recently came across the Qibla website, which provides tools for finding the qibla direction for prayer purposes.

I was wondering if anyone here has considered or experimented with integrating similar directional technologies into electric surfboard navigation systems. Specifically, I’m interested in whether it would be feasible or beneficial to incorporate a feature that uses compass data or GPS to help with orientation and navigation on the water, similar to how Qibla tools use directional data.

For example, could a system be developed to help users maintain a specific course or direction based on compass data, or perhaps integrate with an app that provides directional guidance? If anyone has experience with such integrations or has any thoughts on how Qibla-style directional tools could be adapted for water sports, I’d love to hear your insights.
