Anyone know where to post my Onean Carver battery? The company took my board to be fixed about four months before they went out of business over a year ago and never returned it even though I gave them a shipping label for it. Sad. Anyhow, I have a good battery and charger for someone who wants it.
Washington State, USA
Hey, do you still have this for sale ?
Cheers J
What are you asking for them plus shipping to Fresno California? I only need one but could possibly take both. I have an X with only one remaining working battery. I have six duds with broken battery management systems
I still have one Onean Battery left takes full charge used 36 times. The jet finally failed so I’ll give the battery to anyone who wants to pick up in los Angeles free.
Heather, do you still have the Onean battery?
Lectric, Do you still have the Onean Battery?
Yes I still have it and it’s fully charged so I can’t ship it must be picked up. Thanks
Lectric, my wife and I live in Texas. I didn’t realize the battery was fully charged. That is a dilemma. We talked about driving and bringing a board to run it down before driving it back but I just don’t think that’s possible. Are you interested in buying a Carver since you have a battery?
I am looking for 2 Carver batteries if anyone has?