Waydoo quality issues?

Another picture from the Waydoo users on Facebook. Broken wings, remotes, motors and bending masts are reported by dozens of users. Let’s hope the Waydoo support team can serve them soon.

It was said many times “you get what you pay for” …

yes long mast and heavy rider is not a good combination here…

Another Facebook post of a Waydoo Flyer One with burned out motor. It’s a pity. I was hoping for a cheaper solution which just works fine.

The first generation boards will have a lot of issues, that is normal. When they mass produce without any proper testing, each buyer basically becomes a betatester.
It happens with every brand no exceptions. It took years for jetsurf to make a truly reliable board.


Mhh, not sure if this makes sense. If I pay the full price I don’t want to be a beta tester. They should give out products for free to beta testers.

With products that expensive no company can give it “for free”… it’s not a 300 bucks drone of other simple tech… We are all unfortunately just “betatesters” paying to betatest :slight_smile:

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They have more quality issues than anyone can track, even Waydoo can’t keep up. Lots of people on their Facebook group are asking where their warranty parts are because they’ve been waiting for weeks! Some people said they can’t get any response from Waydoo at all.

A Waydoo rep says they have at least 10 broken fuselages already and I’ve counted at least that many bent masts too. Even when the board is working they don’t reach the advertised speed or battery life! Several riders said they can’t get more than 40 minutes out of one battery. This is a list of problems they posted a while ago, probably lots more by now

Board is absorbing water into the EPP foam
“S” and beeping sound from remote
Battery was blinking red and blue.
31" Mast bent…Shorter mast no bending reported
Front patroller wing bolts too long. Bottoms out before fully tight so bolt need to be cut down
Clip holding battery to board falls off
Battery shutting off randomly - in the board - Seems to be related to a misalignment of a safety-magnet that is easily corrected
Battery shutting off while charging (not fully charged)
Backing peeling off battery
Fuselage corroding (salt water?)
Remote fails, display turns off, condensation or water inside remote
Rear composite wing holes are too small, screw does not easily pass through
Wing mast bolt won’t stay tight
Unlock function not working properly
Waydoo goes slower than normal, can’t foil at highest speed
Short battery life
Prop hitting guard when spinning
Screws strip easily - not over tightened
Round battery clamp pops off of screw when board turned upside down w battery in board.
Remote control (“error 1”), no connection to board
Front wing snapped off a the fuselage casting on some early boards that used prototype parts
Rear wing mount bent
Main wing screw holes not threaded
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin not yet provided so the boards can not be registered


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Better Waydoo does its homework … Just found this on Facebook:

Finally got my Waydoo! But the remote came cracked 😞

Tried taking her out and keeping the remote above water as best as possible but remote stopped working after about 10 minutes. Any ideas what to do next?

You get what you pay for. Stay away from boards which cost half the price of the market leaders. May be there will be cheap eFoil at some point from the famous brands.

None of these problems occur on my piece. I consider the only weakness to be a polystyrene board that does not last mechanically too long. But I will solve this by covering the board with a carbon fabric (cost $200 including epoxy) and then stick a new vinyl foil (cost $25) on it every year as a primary protection against mechanical scratches.

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This topic really becomes like a horror story. I always warn against Chinese products but here lets be fair to Waydoo as well

  1. It’s their first generation product, there will be naturally 15-20% of faulty units and issues. From what I see they are willing to replace the faulty units pretty fast.
  2. You get what you pay for. It’s not correct to compare this cheap product to market leaders like Flite and Lift, of course there will be naturally more issues but it does not mean that 100% of boards break right away… Takuma and other cheaper foils also get similar issues with bent mast , broken remotes etc.
  3. Most other brands also had a lot of issues with their first generation boards. Waydoo just sold too many too quick, but most other brands start slow and we dont see so many issues.

However this is really scary battery is done in a really poor and unsafe way according to these guys:

I would suggest at least to use the fireproof bag or box and also Andreas maybe can post with his battery tips to share for waydoo groups to warn them
He made a great article about storing batteries safely

As already mentioned on the foil.zone forum I am working on an updated article and actual product. The original one at:

Is almost 2 years old. The new solution looks like this:

Inside is a Radinn battery (which is really huge in its dimensions). This size works for all kind of batteries including Lift, Jetsurf and Lampuga (which is also huge). But since it is so big it is not good for smaller batteries like Lift. So I had to come up with multiple sizes.

The problem with batteries is that they are very heavy and catch a lot of unwanted bumps when handled. This then leads to mechanical damage, cracks, leaks and bad ends. When the battery is not in the surf, it should be in a protective case.

Mhh, not good …

OMG. it doesn’t stop. Here is the latest entry from the Waydoo Flyer FB group.

I am starting to get really nervous, because it seems just a question of time until something serious is happening. And this may result into that regulators will ban the entire sport.

This would be a catastrophe for people injured and for all eFoil & Jetboard users.

@waydoo , @waydoo_one , please act. Recall the boards and fix them.

Hello Andreas,
waydoo headquarter is allready taking care of this case, no matter what is the cause it is not true that waydootech team is not taking attention and taking care of this! They already are in contact with this user in north america, and want to exchange it and as well want to have the parts back to analyze the problem. So they take care of this already and it is not like stated above that waydoo would ignore it!
The US waydoo has a bit different electronics but still the same safety feature as Liftfoil, Fliteboard & Takuma… “If the remote signal is lost for any reason, the motor does stop immediately” …
That is why it`s important that this user returns this product so the problem can be analyzed as this is non-normal behaviour. So far this efoil was not returned, instead this post was preferred to blame the brand name…
The other brands had problems in the beginning too, that were (broken mast, breaking boards, non waterproof remotes) …every brand tried to analyse the problem, and solve it and exchanged if necessary…
Same is going on at waydootech, but it seems no one giving them a chance to check and analyze this report, even there are no reports like this on the other 1000 boards!

Really? There are many reports of the same issue, don’t mislead people.
